Wrapping up a big year of teaching
It seems like I do more teaching with each passing year, but this summer was over the top. I gave eight talks and held over a dozen ‘office hours’ for deep tech founders.
In the talks, I tend to stick to the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of early-stage techno-economic modeling – what it is, why it’s important, and what you can do with it. An hour or two or four is not enough to teach how to build good models, so for those looking to dive deeper, I use the opportunity to plug my forthcoming book (from Wiley, coming 2025 btw…).
The events brought together a diverse range of groups invested in early-stage TEM – entrepreneurs, scientists, engineers, and businesspeople. Techno-economic modeling concerns all of them, but I feel model development sits squarely in the domain of chemical and bioprocess engineers. Ultimately, I expect it to make its way into their educational curriculum, and I hope the book will help.
With the expanding deep tech entrepreneurship ecosystem, wouldn’t early-stage techno-economic modeling make for a great senior design project?
Thanks to all these great institutions for giving me an opportunity to share the benefits of TEM for new deep-tech development!
Activate | The Engine Accelerator | Cleantech to Market - Berkeley Haas | Juniper Zero | The Scenarionist | arpa-e | Politecnico di Torino | Climate Week NYC